Since 1970, advocates for the Emergency Medicine specialty.
To win as VACEP does at the legislative, legal, and regulatory levels takes funding — and our opponents have resources we can’t hope to match.
Insurers continue to find creative ways to downcode and deny reimbursement. Non-physician providers are threatening physician-led care, putting patients at risk. Plaintiff attorneys get more aggressive each year with legislation targeting Emergency Medicine. Legislative and regulatory agencies are increasing the burden on stressed EDs without providing additional resources.
To help us in these fights, VACEP maintains a fund called the Statewide Action Trust (STAT). It enables us to invest in lobbying, legal resources, and public relations support for our causes. With STAT resources, we’ve won battles and gained compromise on others, but rarely outright lose. Because of STAT and the hard work of our volunteers, VACEP is considered a national model for state-level EM advocacy.
Emergency physicians stand on the front lines, caring for those most in need when no one else will — but please help us help you!
We ask you, your group, or your hospital to please consider donating to VACEP’s STAT fund today. Individual donations can be as small as $100, and group donations range from $3,000 to $20,000. Whatever you or your group can donate is needed and appreciated, and we will recognize you for your efforts.
Individual donations can be as small as $100
Many groups consider a per-chart donation ($0.05 or $0.10), with past donations ranging from $3,000 to $20,000
The Virginia College of Emergency Physicians is a 501(c)(6) organization. Contributions to section 501(c)(6) organizations are not deductible as charitable contributions on the donor's federal income tax return. They may be deductible as trade or business expenses if ordinary and necessary in the conduct of the taxpayer's business.
Unlike our Political Action Committee (EMPAC/VA) that contributes to candidates, STAT advocates on regulatory and legal actions through on-the-ground efforts and communications. Contributions made by Virginia emergency medicine groups are used to help in the implementation of regulatory changes and challenge rules or policies. STAT funds do not support political candidates.
Our contributors include emergency medicine employment and contract management groups, as well as individual emergency physicians. We thank them for their ongoing support.
Augusta Emergency Physicians
Joran Sequeira, MD
Jesse Spangler, MD
Riverside Emergency Physicians
Cameron Olderog, MD
Christopher Kang, MD FACEP
Caroline Cox, MD
Lauren Webb, MD
David Fosnocht, MD
The Statewide Action Trust is overseen by the Board of Directors of the Virginia Chapter of ACEP. This task force closely monitors the issues impacting emergency medicine, meets to discuss pertinent developments, and communicates with the membership and other stakeholders on important topics.