Since 1970, advocates for the Emergency Medicine specialty.
Note: This service is exclusively for for practicing Virginia emergency physicians and emergency medicine residents. If you are a patient in need of help or medical answers, call 911 or contact your primary care provider.
You know a lot. But you can’t know it all. That’s why we created Ask VACEP, a confidential service for Virginia emergency physicians that taps into the collective minds of Virginia’s emergency medicine community. When you ask a question, we’ll route it to VACEP members who can provide guidance, literature, or help reaffirm what you may already know. Here’s how it works:
Fill out the form with questions around clinical practice or healthcare/emergency medicine policy.
Your question will be sent to VACEP leadership.
Based on your submission, we will route your question to the appropriate VACEP member or members who have experience in the field. Your name will not be shared unless indicated.
While we will have your identity, your inquiry will remain confidential.
Our plan is to respond to every inquiry within 48 hours.