VACEP's former Executive Director Bob Ramsey, who retired last year, was recognized this week with the The Diane K. Bollman Chapter Advocate Award at ACEP20. It is presented to current or recent ACEP chapter executive or chapter staff member who has made a significant contribution to advancing emergency care and the objectives of an ACEP chapter and the College.
The award is named after Bollman, who served as the executive director of the Michigan College of Emergency Physicians for 25 years and was an honorary member of ACEP. She represents the archetype of chapter executive advocacy and leadership, personally and professionally. As ACEP's recognition on Bob states:
Fifty years ago, Bob Ramsey, the retired executive director of the Virginia College of Emergency Physicians (VACEP), entered association management as a way to fulfill his passion for helping others. As a leader, talent scout, and teacher, Mr. Ramsey found happiness and success facilitating business groups working together to make a difference. A lifelong learner, Mr. Ramsey has been a certified association executive for 42 years. Bob’s leadership was recognized by the Virginia Society of Association Executives (Outstanding Association Executive 2018), his U.S. Navy flight class (Regimental Commander), his college (Outstanding Senior Award, Alumni Achievement Award), and his fraternity (National Achievement Award). VACEP hired Mr. Ramsey in 2013 to increase their position and influence in Virginia’s House of Medicine. VACEP’s leadership adopted a new, cost-saving chapter business model resulting in a substantial increase in revenue. Physician engagement expanded as the chapter nearly doubled in size. He also partnered with ACEP to find ways of supporting chapters with small, part-time executive directors. Check out his video for more.