ACEP Link Roundup: May 2021 — VACEP | Virginia College of Emergency Physicians
ACEP Link Roundup: May 2021

ACEP Link Roundup: May 2021



  • Bidding is open for The World of Travel and Art EMF Online Auction. The proceeds will benefit the EM Wellness Grant, and FUJIFILM Sonosite will match any donations and bids.

  • Be part of the solution: ACEP’s Pain and Addiction Care in the Emergency Department (PACED) accreditation program provides emergency departments with the tools to elevate the quality of patient care with innovative treatments, alternative modalities, and impactful risk reduction strategies, resulting in positive outcomes for patients, families, providers, and communities. Find out more today – and be a leader. Use your unique position to help fight this epidemic at the point of care.

  • ACEP Member Advantage: Whether on shift or at home, your ACEP Membership provides perks and discounts from a variety of businesses wanting to support you. 


The ACEP HIT Committee recently held a virtual panel discussion: Sharing Notes with Patients - EM and the 21st Century Cures Act. Watch the recording.


Regs & Eggs:

 ACEP Press Releases:


Latest Podcasts:

 Browse all ACEP Podcasts and Apps


Gearing up for MyEMCert? ACEP's new PEERcert+ focuses on the topic-specific modules in MyEMCert to help you succeed. Current courses include Abdominopelvic, Trauma and Bleeding and Abnormal Vital Signs and Shock. 


Quick Links: EM Physician Workforce of the Future | ACEP Career Center | ED COVID-19 Data Visualizations

Updates on Downcoding

Updates on Downcoding

Diagnostic testing after return of circulation following arrest

Diagnostic testing after return of circulation following arrest