Dr. James Humble, VCU Health Resident


Hospital/Affiliation:: VCU Health System

What do you love most about emergency medicine and why did you choose it? I love the variety of patients and getting to see people from the beginning of their course and help figure out the best way to help them.

What do you hope for the future of emergency medicine?: I hope that we are able to continue to meet the needs of our community, while also helping to advocate for better patient care in general.

What are some causes you care about? The environment and global warming.

What do you do in your free time outside of the ED? I love to get outside! I have a garden and am always growing some fresh vegetables. I also love to kayak, hike, ski, or really do anything that gets me out of the house.

What has surprised you the most about emergency medicine? The degree of variation from one location to another in the styles of practice.

Describe your personal philosophy on emergency medicine. I always want to do my best to meet my patient's where they are and find the way that I can best help them in a stressful time.

What would you say to someone thinking about getting involved with VACEP? I wasn't sure what the value of the organization was, having not been deeply involved in it. I wasn't sure what kind of work they were doing for physicians. I have had a great time, but I also feel much better informed and that I can share that knowledge with my colleagues. I also feel like I am more connected to the pulse of emergency medicine throughout the state.

Kristin Wiley, Liberty Med Student

Alexon Munson-Catt, EVMS Med Student

Alexon Munson-Catt, EVMS Med Student